They’re back!
Seeing the first hummingbird and hearing the first whippoorwill on the same day confirmed spring had arrived. I didn’t realize it would just be that one day. We went from needing mittens to being drenched in sweat in a matter of days. The bugs are extremely happy with this weather, the goats not so much. Two are still holding onto a bit of their winter coat. The floor of the pole barn is still very cool so they are happy laying on that.
The hummingbirds are already very demanding. We have to take the feeders in every night because of the bears. So I put them out in the morning and invariably have them buzz my head till I get them hung. We are already going through a quart or two a day. In a few weeks we will be going through nearly a gallon a day. That kind of boggles the mind the number of those tiny birds it takes to consume that amount of liquid.
In early spring I use a heavier syrup, they are really worn out from their travels. I do the same in late fall. They are beautiful but mean little fliers. They spend so much time fighting they hardly have time to drink. That changes in the fall. Their only focus is getting as much nourishment in them as possible for another long trek.
The fighting at this time of year invariably causes them to crash into the window. We try to keep the shade down but then we miss the show they put on. Holding a hummingbird is terrifying. They are so tiny and delicate. We keep a rescue box on the porch. A small box with a towel. They are protected from predators and weather, they can take the time they need to recover and fly off when they’re ready.
May you always find a nourishing meal at the end of a long trip.