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Splitting Wood


As strange as it seems here at Bear Run spring is a time we have to think about next winter. It is time to fill the woodshed. We could wait till fall but many of our neighbors have been surprised by winter arriving early and end up cutting wood in the snow. We get it out of the way so we can fish up to the day the river freezes, or we do, whichever comes first. We have found it is a sign to quit when the line guides on your rods freeze closed.

Allen has taken over all the chores with wood. He cuts, splits, moves, and stacks it. I get to take care of the rest of the spring chores, goats, chickens, gardens, and feeders. The cold weather has played havoc with getting all this done. But worse, we have been dealing with a sick dog.

Our boy has had a limp for months. We have seen three vets and their best assessment is to see another vet. We have an appointment in six weeks. So I have a dog that can’t go on walks, his favorite thing. Then of course he can’t eat as much his other favorite thing. He is miserable and I can’t do anything to help him. Pets are such a joy but when they are not well it breaks your heart.

Spring has been a challenge at Bear Run.

May your woodshed always be full when the snow flies.

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