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Goat Cleaning Days


Every Friday is cleaning day for the goats. I used to put them outside for this.  Maybe put them out is kind of a lie. I trick them out with treats, run back and close the door before they push back in.

The bugs are so bad not even treats will coax them out. So I am forced to deal with 150 pound beasts trying to help me. The dog gets in on this too so you can imagine how fun this event can be.

I have been knocked to the ground stepped on and trapped with all three of them under the enclosure. My salvation is they love to attack the bag of healthy straw. I leave that out to lure them away from me. They enjoy head butting it all around the room. I have to put a stop to it when they knock it down and start eating a hole in the center of the bag. 

These last few weeks have had the added fun of it being 90 degrees and humid. At that temperature everything sticks to you and I mean everything.  By the time I’m done I am in great need of cleaning myself. I have to hose myself off before I am clean enough to get in the bath.

May you always have something fun to butt

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