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Maddison Bear’s Heart (Maddy)

Environmental Attorney, from Bemidji Minnesota

Lakota, slender, fit, long dark hair, 24 years old ​

Maddison has spent her entire life trying to save the planet, to save Gaia.

Tamara Akana

Marine Biologist, from Kaneohe Oahu

Native Hawaiian, slight, toned, short cropped gray hair, 49 years old

Gaia speaker, only in water

Partner with Keala Kekoa

Tam’s drive to save the world manifested itself in her dedication to rescue sea critters injured as mans greed and drive for power endangered them more and more.

Ke’ala Kekoa

Astronomer, from Kaneohe Oahu

Native Hawaiian, short, round, short salt and pepper hair, 56 years old

Gaia speaker    

Partner with Tamara Akana

Jimmi’s love of Hendrix showed her the healing power of music. Her study of the stars helped her see the connectivity of the universe.

Doctor Examining Patient
Renovation Tools

Captain Ethan De Palo

Medical officer, Doctor, from Melbourne Florida

Cuban, average height, a little heavy, short curly brown hair, 40 years old         

Wife Hannah, kids Amelia and Elijah, dog Sasha

A husband and father first a doctor second and a soldier third.

Sophia Bentham

Doctor, Internist, from Carmarthen Wales UK

Tall, lanky, fit, long brown hair, 32 years old

Gaia speaker, Healer

Wife of Daniel

Sophia came to know Gaia early in life. Her understanding of the power of the earth led her to become a doctor and a healer.

Daniel Bentham

Construction worker, from Carmarthen Wales UK

Tall, very muscular, short blond hair, 31 years old

Husband of Sophia

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Joha and Isa Bird

Husband and wife have shared their lives together with Gaia. Forty years immersed in her love and power.

Joha Bird

Carver, from Kola Peninsula Russi

Native Saami, tall, thin, gray hair, 60 years old

Gaia speaker

Isa Bird

Seamstress, from Kola Peninsula Russia  Native Saami, short, thin, long gray hair, 59 years old

Gaia speaker, Healer

Jedda Campbell

Waitress, Survival Instructor, from Yarrah Australia

Aboriginal, Short, slim, wild sun-bleached hair, 18 years old

Gaia speaker, healer of animals

Close friend of Nikau

Nikau Walker

Fisherman, Surfer, from Otago New Zealand

Maori, tall, very fit, long dark hair, sun streak highlights, 19 years old

Gaia speaker

Close friend of Jedda

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Major Faxon Navarro (Zon)

Pilot, Mission Commander, from Lajitas Texas

Hispanic, average height, well built, short brown hair, 31 years old


He lives and breathes being a pilot, nothing more.

Tucker Bog

Real estate mogul, from Wilmington Delaware

Tall, overweight, dark curly hair, 32 years old

He wants money and power no matter what the cost.

Major/Colonel Owen Miller

Career military man, from San Francisco California

Tall, overweight, bald, 60 years old

Power power power, it’s all he sees and wants

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Zyhna Rocha

Artisan, from Walpi Arizona

Hopi, short, stocky, long sliver hair, 69 years old    

Powerful Gaia speaker, Empath

Zyhna’s entire life based in family and tradition has giver her the strength of mind body and spirit to lead Gaia’s people to a new world. ​

Lieutenant Tempest Brown (Gen)

Second in command, from Stockton Texas

Small, blonde, short cropped hair, 25 years old

Tempest does nothing halfway. She is all in and defends her choices with vehemence.

Sergeant Anna Prasana

Supply, and Tech specialist, from Odisha India

Average height, well-built, strong, long dark hair, 32 years old


Daughter Alexis 15 years old

Anna is mother first and foremost, honor and duty second. Alexis is a teenager, need I say more.

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Tropical Storm

Leask Family

Family of farmers on Shetland Island

Bram Leask

Farmer, from Isbister of Shetland 

Average height, red curly hair, strong, stocky, 28 years old

Husband, father

Fia Leask 

Farmer, average height, strong, fit, short dark curly hair, 27 years old

Wife, mother

Greer Leask

Strawberry blond hair, 8 years old

Adelphi speaker



Preparing for the fifth world.



Inviting those who respect life to join her.

Cast: Work

Emory Rocha

Odd Jobber, from Walpi Arizona

Hopi, average height, short dark hair, 16 years old

Grandson of Zyhna

Andrea Knight

Military liaison, from Arlington Virginia

African ancestry, tall, slender, short dark hair, 27 years old, wife to Sean


Sean Knight

Financial advisor, from Arlington Virginia   

Tall imposing figure, 29 years old

Idal Machado

Amazon Sustainability Researcher, from Manaus Brazil

Marajo ancestry, average height, a little over weight, bronze skin, dark short hair, 25 years old

Gaia speaker

Partner to Zico

Zico Antunes

Amazon Sustainability Researcher, from Manaus Brazil

Portuguese ancestry, short, thin, blond streaked hair, 24 years old

Gaia speaker

Partner to Idal

Royal and Perri Gibbs

Chief Master Sergeant, Air Force, from Solvang California

African ancestry, tall, slim, short black hair, 48 years old

Gaia speaker

Husband of Perri Gibbs


African ancestry, thin, average height, short dark hair 46 years old

Gaia speaker

Killian Hart

Assistant for Tucker Bog, from Bethesda Maryland

Short, skinny, long blond curls, 20 years old

Izumi Ito

Student, from Tochigi Japan                     

Short, thin, short dark hair, 22 years old    

Gaia speaker, Healer

Panuk Tremblay and Uki Tremblay

Husband and wife Bush Pilots, from Whitehorse Canada, Inuit late 40s

Gaia speakers

Corporal Samuel Thompson (Sam)

Bridge crew, security from Rochester New York

African ancestry, Tall slim, short dark hair 26 years old

Private Frank Long

Crew member, (demoted from sergeant) from Omaha Nebraska

Short, stocky, short brown hair, 28 years old

Private Noah Stevens

Crew member, from Bedford Montana     

Tall, fit, short brown hair, 24 years old

Private Collin Jenson

Crew member, from Mabou Nova Scotia   
Short, skinny, nerdy, curly red hair, 21 years old

Private Garza

Crew member

Private Blackmore

Crew member

Cast: Work
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