Gaia's Voice
The planets speak to us... If only we'd listen
Series Dedication
This series is dedicated to all the people who live their lives to protect the world, And to the indigenous peoples who have fought to thrive through abuse, hatred, and genocide. It is well beyond time that we ask for their help, to share their knowledge. Give them the power and support that should have been theirs all along. The women in particular, it is their strength and connection to this earth, to Gaia that will save her, will save us all.
When all else is lost, Hope remains
I believe when all else is lost Hope will keep you strong. It is no more evident than in the fight for what others have written off to a lost cause. For the people who keep trying, the people who keep working, hope is their super power. It is important to note it is stronger in women; and when sisters join together stay out their way. They can do anything.

Book 1: Hope for a New World
The Hopi people have long known this world will end and the earth will be reborn into the fifth world. Maddison Bear’s Heart, an environmental attorney, is sought out and
chosen by those who speak to the earth and know her as a sentient being named Gaia. They ask Maddison to lead them through the coming of the fifth world.
As she finally accepts this task, a young girl tells her Adelphi, Gaia’s sister welcomes them to travel to her, a new planet. The corporate military is glad to see the back of these eco nuts trying to protect the planet, they are happy to provide a ship to send them away. Colonel Miller would prefer a more permanent end to the protesters. He sabotages the ship and hunts down those who have stayed behind. Will any survive? They have hope and each other. Women powered by hope, a force for sure.

Book 2: New hope for the world
The new residents of Adelphi were finally able to live and enjoy this beautiful new world. But the discovery of animals that had died mysteriously caused some of them to believe they may have brought with them a contaminant of some kind. The truth of it was far worse.  A ship from earth followed them.  The ship of Storm De Wees, one of the great destroyers of earth. He was determined to rape and possess everything he could find of value on their new innocent world of Adelphi as well.

Book 3: Trust in Hope for our World
With a shield in place they believed their world was safe from any ships landing. The community relaxed and focused on building a life on this new world. They were shocked to find a mining crew was forgotten and was left behind. The crew was led by Dr. Una Horvat, a geo scientist and a highly valued asset of Storm De Wees. She was working to bring down the shield to allow Storm De Wees ship to land again. The team must convince the miners to stand down, or Storm will return and take revenge on those that bested him.

Book 4: Saving Power of Hope
A spectacular electrical storm inadvertently set off some abandoned mining probes. The team must stop them as they are causing Adelphi great pain. Not able to do this on their own they reach out for help. Inhabitants of a neighboring planet offer their assistance. Natives of Didymo, Adelphi’s twin, come to that world's rescue, but are the atmospheric differences too much? Will they fail Adelphi?

Book 5: Bringing Hope Home
There is a devastating loss of lives on Earth. So many were Gaia speakers that the loss was felt by those on Adelphi. The council asks several from that world to travel to Earth and convince a young woman, Bizaan Ayaa Wolf, to take her position as a peace broker. They were not prepared to find Storm De Wees company behind the deaths. Nadia was not surprised his minions survived the end of the fourth world. She didn’t however expect her father’s wrath to reach out for her from beyond the grave.
Returning home, they all suffered unexplained health issues. It was discovered the planetary shields were holding in toxins. Removing the shields released those, making it easier to travel between worlds without atmospheric illnesses. The doors to new discoveries were open.

Book 6: Hope is Lost
The council is made up of people, so they are subject to the vagaries of humankind. There occasionally arises dissention on how council should govern. Long ago a faction rose thinking people should not be allowed such freedom, they should be kept in their place. A tribe in Nova Scotia was becoming powerful, that faction on the council persecuted them for it. Welania, a council member, took it on herself to move them to another world to keep them safe.
Welania eventually rose to lead the council. Over a century later she saw it happening again, only worse. The faction was not afraid to take lives to gain control of the council. Welania would need help to stay in command and turn to those she saved so long ago.

Book 7: Harmonics and Shaken Hope
Seka and some other scientists were overly excited to see a large meteoroid that struck the planet Ilios. Maddy and Nadia went along for the adventure. They were unaware of the dissonant harmonic the rock was communicating to the planet and anyone or anything that came close. It nearly killed them all. They needed to form a team to go in and quell the stone. Maddison and Nadia volunteered but they were told they were too old, as the vibration was tolerated better in the young. Maddison and Nadia coached the youthful team. Their experience, tenaciousness, and a pile of tech would be all they had to stop the harmonic.

Book 8: Hope's Thought Lost
Maddison had to deal with the unforeseen effects to her heart from the vibration enhancing device she used on Ilios. Sophia saw no existing way to save her, she would have to create a new treatment. It would put all healers to the test. The events that followed would put many more to the test. Those with children born on Adelphi were finding it difficult to believe the incredible abilities their children possess. And those on Earth are struggling with a verbal virus. A thought is being passed somehow that they are not safe and all technology is bad. They were being driven to destroy technology and attacking those using it. Biza and Quinn lead a team to find out how this has happened and try to stop its spread.
Other Works by Renee

Blue Grey and Gone
A Novel
Can six Vietnam vets put their skills to use again for the military? Will they be able to or even allowed to find the redemption they have longed for all these years? Hunter Burke, now a General, kept track of his elite group of soldiers searching and hoping for the right opportunity to bring them together one last time. Finally the perfect mission has presented itself. Will they be willing, will they be able, or has too much time passed? Can he remind these retired, even forgotten folks of their service, without bringing back the pain of their last mission? Can he help them find their heroes hearts again?

Notes from a Northwoods Novice
Have you ever wanted to leave the big city and build a home in the north woods? Renee Peek and her husband Allen have taken that leap, finding themselves up to their necks in adventure. Notes From a Northwoods Novice is a diary of their challenges and successes. Sharing their place with bears, daily chores can be thrilling. Adding ducks and chickens gives the adventure a more humorous note. But be it the tears of loss, or the joy of new life, you are invited to share the trials and triumphs of life at Bear Run.